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Code Coverage

Kahlan comes with some built-in code coverage exporters (Istanbul, clover, lcov and throuhg terminal) which can be using in services like Coveralls, Scrutinizer or Code Climate. However Kahlan can also be customized through the kahlan-config.php file to setup another kind of export.

By default Kahlan will use the Xdebug driver to collect the code coverage. However by using phpdbg you won't need Xdebug at all. Kahlan will be able to collect the code coverage through phpdbg which has a built-in code coverage driver. So if your PHP install is including Xdebug you'll be able to replace phpdbg -qrr ./bin/kahlan by directly ./bin/kahlan in the following examples.

warning while a way faster than Xdebug, the phpdbg built-in code coverage driver might be not as accurate as Xdebug.

Enable the coverage with the --coverage option

The --coverage=<integer> option will generates some code coverage summary depending on the passed integer.

  • 0: no coverage
  • 1: code coverage summary of the whole project
  • 2: code coverage summary detailed by namespaces
  • 3: code coverage summary detailed by classes
  • 4: code coverage summary detailed by methods

However sometimes it's interesting to see in details all covered/uncovered lines of a specific part of the code. To achieve this, you can pass a string to the --coverage option.

With --coverage=<string>, some detailed code coverage according to the specified namespace, class or method scope will be generated.

As an example, the following command will give the detailed code coverage of the Kahlan::run() method:

phpdbg -qrr ./bin/kahlan --coverage="Kahlan\Cli\Kahlan::run()"

warning don't forget to correctly set the --src option if your source directory is not src/.

Note: All available namespaces, classes or methods definitions can be extracted from a simple --coverage=4 code coverage summary.

phpdbg -qrr ./bin/kahlan --coverage

Export the coverage

With --istanbul=<file> the code coverage will be exported in a file compatible with the istanbul Javascript library.

First install the library if not installed:

npm install -g nyc

Than you can use nyc to create an HTML Code Coverage report like so:

mkdir .nyc_output
phpdbg -qrr ./bin/kahlan --istanbul=.nyc_output/coverage.json
nyc report --reporter=html --extension=".php"
google-chrome coverage/index.html

You'll find the HTML Code Coverage report in coverage/lcov-report/index.html.

With --lcov=<file> the code coverage will be exported in a lcov file.

You can use genhtml (from the lcov package) to create an HTML Code Coverage report for example:

First install the command if not installed:

sudo apt-get install lcov
mkdir lcov
 ./bin/kahlan --lcov="lcov/"
cd lcov

With --clover=<file> the code coverage will be exported in a clover file.

Parallel testing

With the advent of Docker and its toolset, it's becoming easier to parallelize tests execution by using VMs to speed up a CI process.

To split your specs with Kahlan you can choose to split your test suite in different directories to be able to run them independently.

phpdbg -qrr ./bin/kahlan --spec=spec/subset1
phpdbg -qrr ./bin/kahlan --spec=spec/subset2
phpdbg -qrr ./bin/kahlan --spec=spec/subset3

The second approach is to let Kahlan to automatically do the splitting by using the --part=X/Y option like so:

phpdbg -qrr ./bin/kahlan --part=1/3
phpdbg -qrr ./bin/kahlan --part=2/3
phpdbg -qrr ./bin/kahlan --part=3/3

X represent the number of the split_to_run Y represent The total number of splits you want

You can then parallelize your tests with the tooling of you choice like Github Actions for example:

name: Test

on: [pull_request]


    name: "API: kahlan(1)"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: "Running Kahlan(1)"
      run: ./ci/

    name: "API: kahlan(2)"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: "Running Kahlan(2)"
      run: ./ci/

    name: "API: kahlan(3)"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: "Running Kahlan(3)"
      run: ./ci/

If you are lucky enough the code review/coverage tool you are using for your project support multiple uploads of code coverage (like or for example). Otherwise you'll need to combining all coverage reports into one individual coverage report that can be submitted. Some tool like codeclimate provides some tooling to make it easier, otherwise you'll need to do the merging on your own.